Sunday, March 14, 2010


Everyday that I am not working day to day in radio, I seem to get more disenchanted. I figure it's due to the length of time I have not worked day to day in radio. It's been almost a year in May and I started this blog to stay connected and it doesn't seem to do that anymore. I began a programming advisory group with a comrade that has been slow to start.

Is it the fact I am not in radio day-day any longer and I am simply pissed? - What makes me so mad is the fact that I was an entertainer as a talent and worked for great radio stations like KCBQ, KSLQ, WPEZ, KFRC, KIIS, KWSS, KDKB, KWK, KZPS, KFRC-FM and more and most of the 70's we just rocked it hard and through the 80's when it began to circle from an entertainment art form to a sales business venture, where it landed in the 90's, I had no preparation for the administrative end of radio. I only knew the show-biz and entertainment end.

I think this is why I liked working for Citadel prior to Suleman and Ellis under Larry so much. It had the entertainment and arts end meshed well with the sales and business side of radio. I was always considered over the top and defined as a mad genius. This didn't sit well with some managers and operators over the last decade and here I am writing this. Writing it because, I can't figure out if the business sucks or I just think it sucks because I can't work in it again for a multitude of reasons.


1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. When you're not working in a field you love for a year, it's an eternity! As a certified career radio geek myself I have been there.

    I believe you have excellent ideas, Chuck, and a great, comprehensive plan for programming a country radio station. The ingridient you must continue to call upon is perseverance. Prospective employers are almost never on the same schedule we are. We want it now - they're not ready. It just takes time.

    In a recent New York Times article about Tim Westergren, founder of Pandora, I was struck by this sentence: "In March, 2004, he made his 348th pitch seeking backers." Regardless of what one thinks of Pandora, you got to admit Tim Westergren understands persistence.

    Full Throttle Country is great, and your programming ideas absolutely have merit. Just keep knockin' on doors 'til your knuckles bleed. You're on you're way!

    Nick Seneca
