by Jessica Northey
Normally I like to write an intro for "Sunday Driving," but for Author/Broadcaster Marsha Collier I am actually going to insert her Wikipedia description because, well she has one, and it says more about her than I could creatively make up!
MARSHA COLLIER (Born in New York, New York) is a well-known author, radio personality (on the Internet and KTRB 860 AM San Francisco) and educator specializing in technology and training individuals how to use and make money on eBay and online.
She is one of the foremost eBay experts and educators in
the world. With over 1 million copies of her books in print (special editions
for the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Chinese - and an edition in
Spanish), she is the top selling eBay author.Among her books, eBay For Dummies is the best selling book
for eBay worldwide while eBay Business All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is
the best selling title on operating an eBay business. "Starting an eBay
Business For Dummies" appeared on the Business Week Magazine Best Seller
list for many weeks.Marsha shares her eBay business
expertise in streaming video at Entrepreneur.com’s “Entrepreneur’s Coaches
Corner” and is Entrepreneur.com’s online eBay columnist. She's also a featured
lecturer at eBay’s “eBay University” training events and their yearly eBay Live
After writing over 30 successful books on ecommerce, Marsha learned” there is nothing 'common" about the customer. Customers are the soul of business and Social media gives an unparalleled vehicle for connecting and engaging with an unlimited number of prospective buyers.” Her newest book The Ultimate Online Customer Service Guide gives you the keys to authentic and engaged service to customers through social media. Using a blend of traditional and social media customer service case studies, and instructions on how to execute quality customer service, this book enables you to access the opportunities that social media presents as a means of serving customers.
After writing over 30 successful books on ecommerce, Marsha learned” there is nothing 'common" about the customer. Customers are the soul of business and Social media gives an unparalleled vehicle for connecting and engaging with an unlimited number of prospective buyers.” Her newest book The Ultimate Online Customer Service Guide gives you the keys to authentic and engaged service to customers through social media. Using a blend of traditional and social media customer service case studies, and instructions on how to execute quality customer service, this book enables you to access the opportunities that social media presents as a means of serving customers.
If you are wondering how to get more engaged with your radio audience, I highly recommend you check out this book. I just got it yesterday and it IS teaching this OLD dog some NEW tricks too!
thing about what you do?
Where are you answering these questions from right now?
On the couch in the family room.
What are you wearing?
Victoria’s Secret flannel pajamas.
How did you get started in Broadcasting? Writing?
Radio: Began as guest, kept getting invited back and then asked to co-host
Writing: I always wanted to be a writer, but ended up in advertising and marketing. I had my own business and found eBay in the site’s infancy. I became one of the first PowerSellers, so when eBay called to ask if I’d do an interview on The Today Show, I said yes. Two weeks later I got a call with a book offer and my life changed. I’ve written over 35 books, and sold over a million.
What are 3 items you CAN NOT live without?
A computer, smartphone and makeup!
Favorite item of clothing/jewelry/accessory?
I have a growing collection of Diane Von Furstenburg dresses, her styling is always my go-to for any occasion. I am always confident that I look great in them. Jewelry? I adore my vintage Chanel – do I have to explain that?
Have you ever been in a fight?
Um, sorry, no.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
Grab my Galaxy Tablet and read emails and tweets while I drink coffee.
Is there anything that you regret?
Absolutely nothing, I have had a FABULOUS life!

Spending summers in my family’s home in Kent, England. London was the very coolest place to be!
What current event has your eyes and ears?
Currently I am very wrapped up in the state of the economy. I’m studying, writing and working on ways that business can overcome it.
How do you use Social Media in your industry for productivity?
I have been building community since the late 90s. I was one of the first authors to put contact information in a book (in those days you kept your email address private). I love hearing from my readers and by 2000, I had a mailing list that topped 2000. Now I more rely on the current tools: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, where I communicate, promote and share with my friends (readers and strangers) every day.
What is your favorite website?
eBay, Twitter and Facebook, but I usually visit Newser.com and ArsTechnica.com almost every day.
If you had a Super Power what would it be?
I want to be invisible AND fly!
Which famous people do you admire?
Joan Rivers for overcoming so many obstacles and building her success on hard work. Elizabeth Taylor for the same reasons. Elizabeth Dole because she is so darn smart and committed to whatever she does – plus, she’s an amazing public speaker – I studied her style of presenting for my own.
What is your favorite movie?
Ack! I barely have time for movies. Anything that is sci-fi and I’m a huge Star Trek fan. I enjoy Star Trek because of the underlying theme of community and communication.
Favorite snack?
Pretzel Crisps! Because they are light, crunchy, and LOW in calories.
How do you balance your work with other obligations - mate, children, hobbies?
I don’t sleep much!
Do you get nervous about anything?
Funny you should ask – not a thing!
If you could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be, and what would say to them?
I would like to see my parents again so I can tell them how much I appreciate everything they did for me.
What is your hobby or do you collect anything?
I am an avid weight lifter, I work out with my trainer three times a week. Keeping my body strong is important to me. I also have a complete collection of Star Trek action figures (sad, huh?)
What chore to you hate?
Anything to do with cleaning the house. I need a magic wand to keep my mess in order.
Do you have an animal/s?
I have a 17 year old Schipperke (dog) Skippy, Two Cats: Mama Kitty and her son, Simba.
Mac or PC?
PC except for my iPod that I adore.
Ginger or Mary Ann?
In my personal life, I’m very much Ginger!
Craziest thing you have ever done?
Walked up to Jimmy Stewart at a small private party and asked him where Harvey was (yes there was alcohol involved). Also when I was sitting next to Lou Ferrigno throughout a movie premiere, and when it was over, I asked if I could touch his thighs (no alcohol, merely fascination.)
**New Book site: http// theultimateonlinecustomerservi ceguide.blogspot.com/
Personal Blog: http://mcollier.blogspot.com/
eBay reader’s site: http://www.coolebaytools.com/
Radio show: http://www. computerandtechnologyradio. com/
Posterous: http://marshacollier. posterous.com/
Google Profile: http://www.marshacollier.com
Still on KTRB huh.? Quite a trick