Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The ideal position on the HELL AND AMAZING GRACE matrix is to move between Hell and Amazing Grace gradually and shift several times from top to bottom. Country radio stations that stay in AMAZING GRACE tend to be programmed much like AC stations. They figure, their listeners are god-fearing, apple pie and conservative in approach and that's what 25-54 adults listen to at work. The problem is the P-1's of Country and the life group tend to be more active; like Rock and CHR listeners in their approach to likes and dislikes in radio listening. The more movement into HELL helps with image and stationality and the emotion and connection to cause programming comes from AMAZING GRACE. To ideally super-serve the life group, the pendulum needs to swing back and forth constantly; un-predictable and predictable in the programming levels. Thursday we talk TRUE COUNTRY; Is there life after Taylor Swift with the life group?

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