Tuesday, November 9, 2010

FTC EMPLOYMENT TIPS: Are you utilizing Social Media for your search?

More than just email and attachments, CMR job applicants need to be using and utilizing all forms of Social Media. From Likedin to Twitter, Facebook and blogs, you should be covering all your bases. Your message should be clear and concise, most employers are reading your email on a Blackberry or IPhone. They don't have time for elaborate attachments and wordy proses. Twitter gets to the point in 140 characters and your postioning should do that.
  • Tell them what you've accomplished. 
  • What and where did you accomplish your growth?
  • Use simple, easy to read bullet points.
  • Eliminate any negatives concerning past employers or circumstances from your Social Media pages.
  • Do not post anything in your profile or status up dates that could make you look like a hiring risk.

Resume, LinkedIn, name, and contact info. That’s it. What more do you really need these days? LinkedIn is basically a living resume with lists of your references, employers, accomplishments, other profiles, etc. More companies should look at this approach and take note.

From EZINE this stuff is gold:

Executive resume services need to continually update and match the technological developments the business world is embracing, otherwise executives may find themselves left in the dust by executives who are staying ahead of the technology curve.

An executive resume services firm should do more than just list your experiences and accomplishments on paper. Today, corporations are embracing social media, and while they still expect paper resumes, many of them are going online to find out additional information about their candidates. Here are four social media tools your executive resume services provider should recommend for you.

Your Executive Resume Services Provider Should Know LinkedIn

This is the gold standard for online job searching, as far as we're concerned, and your executive resume services firm should embrace it rather than be afraid of it. If they are against social networks like LinkedIn, chances are they still don't understand social media or new media.

Basically, this is a place for you to connect with industry colleagues, past co-workers, and even potential employers. This is the place for you to post your shiny new resume your executive resume services firm gave you. Then as you connect with possible employers in real life, you can direct them to your LinkedIn profile and your online resume.

Not only is LinkedIn used for networking, but it is also a job posting site and referral site, fast becoming a favorite for companies who are tired of using the job boards that just don't seem to attract the best possible candidates.

Do You Have a Video Resume?

Video resumes are quickly becoming a standard tool for job seekers, and one that several executive resume services are starting to offer. Thanks to video sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo, and high speed Internet in a corporate setting, it's no longer uncommon to see short video resumes used to highlight a candidate's qualities.

Video resumes also show that even the most seasoned executive is up with the latest technology, and feels comfortable using it. Work with your executive resume services company to put together your video resume.

Blogging Is an Important Tool

Blogging may or may not be something your executive resume services provider can help you with. Even if they can't, it's still something you should be using. Start and maintain a blog to write about your industry, monitor and share news with your network, and even showcase a portfolio of your best work samples. 

Create several pages to show different dimensions of your work experience, including your video resume, and then write blog posts about your different thoughts and ideas.

Your executive resume services representative should be able to coach you on the issues you should cover in your blog, but it will be up to you to maintain it regularly.


Believe it or not, this personal social site is still an important job search tool. That's because your Facebook profile will often be searched by corporate hiring managers trying to find out good or bad information about you.

While this isn't the best place to post a lot of work and business information, you can at least make sure your personal brand is presented in the best possible light. Your executive resume services provider can show you what to put on Facebook, and what to take off. They should be able to coach you on how to put on your best face, and make sure the hiring managers like what they see.

As social media grows and is accepted by hiring managers and HR professionals, the smart executives will start taking advantage of these tools, and showing their willingness to learn new skills and new technology. Talk to your executive resume services professional about how you can use social media in your job search.

Julie Ross, of Rostin Ventures references www.videoresumeservices.com for professional video production of video resumes, including executive resume services and expert online reputation management. www.videoresumeservices.com also offers video resume services to help college graduates get the edge in the business world.

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