Friday, August 6, 2010

Finger Candy Friday with Some Social Media Tips

This week I hit 70,000 followers and am also ranked in the top 1000 on Twitter in the WORLD by, which is to Twitter what Arbitron is to Radio.

Are you curious to know how I did it? Ever wondered how you can Social Media to increase traffic to your website?   Grow your relationship with your listeners
I recently made a list of Social Media tips/ideas and share them regularly when I speak, teach, tweet, blog, FeeB etc here they are:
1. Set a strategy for Social Media optimization and be consistent. Nothing looks worse than months without activity!
2. Take advantage of the free applications like to streamline your Social Media efforts.
3. Don’t forget the blog! It is such a great way to control your own content & establish yourself as an authority in your industry!
4. Think of Social Media like you were scheduling radio commercials. When is your target audience listening?
5. Don’t spray and pray. Narrow your message to your target audience.
6. Connecting with other people should be your number one goal.
7. Educate yourself and understand how your target audience uses Social Media.
8. Don’t put all your “eggs” in one basket. Diversify your Social Media efforts and use multiple platforms.
9. Add Social Media Platform Participation links to Business cards, letterhead, vehicle wrap, Broadcast and Print Media.
10. On Twitter, register with & and use to find people w/similar interests to get social with.
11. Define your goals and manage your own expectations.
12. Don’t get caught up in the Social Media drama & try to stay connected to positive people.
13. Budget at least half an hour a day to Social Media efforts.
14. Download Tweetdeck, Seismic or Twitterific for a better understanding of how to use Social Media platforms to their full potential.
15. Use Social Media to have discussions w/followers. Ask them for feedback and see what they want!

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