Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturday Morning and Some Helpful Social Media Suggestions for Job Seekers

It was a very long week! I am glad to just sit down at the computer and free-think for awhile.  It is amazing how the meaning of Christmas changes as well get older.  I remember gathering around the tree and being so excited to open presents.  I remember asking for whimsical gifts rather than tires for my car, like this year!
I enjoyed the true meaning of spending Christmas with my family and the religious beliefs I have that go with that! It was wonderful!  I also took Sissy with me to my Dad's parents and she worked the room like a Socialite but for food.  She only weighs 4 and half pounds but I think she is an even 5lbs today! It's hard to say no to those big browns

I was posting some Radio Professionals Resumes yesterday and thought I would share more info about using Social Media to search for jobs.
I know that the economy has been rough on all of us!  This year has been a doozie! With that said I found some great articles about looking for work using Social Media:

It really should go without saying however it never fails to amaze me what people post on their Social Media platforms....profanity, drug references, racist jokes, slang lingo, sexual innuendos...if you are looking for a job or have a position of public interest these things do not belong on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Blog etc. If you are a known for being a controversial celebrity, shock jock and potentially the next Howard Stern there is a whole different set of rules for that.  But for mainstream usage you can still be personable without being too personal.  I am not trying to step on your right to free speech.  If you don't care, thats on you. I am not the Social Media police.  Someone once told me there are two kinds of people in radio: those who have been fired and those who will be fired.  Now more than ever, if you are looking for a job (or might be in the future) and or in the public eye people are checking out your Social Media endeavors!  I have heard of many instances where employees have been reprimanded and even fired for Social Media incidences. You probably wouldn't be told if someone was thinking of hiring you and they saw your posts and thought you were a risk. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter are fun, there's no doubt about that but keep in mind they are open to Google, Bing and Yahoo searches.  You can be sure that the first thing potential employers are doing is Googling you.  At the end of the day you have to live with the consequences of your posts. If you wouldn't want your Mom or your own kids to read it than maybe it belongs in a diary that is not publicly accessed.

A few set of ideas to keep in mind when you are tweeting, posting, sharing especially if you are looking for a job:
-Make sure there is a url link from your Twitter, Facebook, Myspace going somewhere people can obtain more info about you if they are interested.
-Don’t tweet your bathroom trips unless something remarkable is happening in there or the toilet paper is made of hundred dollar bills...and no one cares what you are eating.
-Interact with posts you relate to, enjoy, can benefit you in some way (like with their amazing knowledge of the Paper Airplanes), or those that are just fun to YOU.
-Follow people back that follow you (unlesss they are spammers)…you never know where a job tip or a new friend might come from.
-Don’t share too much that you wouldn't want EVERYONE to know. 
-Provide resources or items of value.
-Be creative and have fun with it!
-Take advantage of apps for streamlining your Social Media Platforms like Tweetdeck, Ubertweeter, Facebook for phone etc.
-BLOG BLOG BLOG you can showcase you talents here and it is all about you!
-Twitter is really evolving as a job search tool and place for potential employers to actively search for you.
-Adjust your Facebook setting for privacy or selective ability for employers and industry folks to see what you might meant for friends and family only.


1 comment:

  1. Shelly Palmer through Jaye Albright taught me the importance of keeping in front of radio pro's by blogging and having a social media platform.
