Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Got up this morning and CMT was playing "The Good Lord and The Man" from John Rich and it made me think about wrapping ourselves in red, white and blue. We forget that our format has naturals, that relate the format and music to the life group. These naturals are Country, red, white and blue, our fighting men and women and more which we will cover here before Fall. Each weekday morning, I would recommend a group of songs that play at 7a. RIDING WITH PRIVATE MALONE DECK OF CARDS THE GOOD LORD AND THE MAN NOVEMBER 8TH BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERET BUMPER OF MY SUV FIGHTING SIDE OF ME IF YOUR READING THIS COURTESY OF THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE AMERICAN SOLDIER ARLINGTON SOME GAVE ALL IN AMERICA STILL IN SAIGON WHERE THE STARS AND STRIPES AND EAGLES FLY I JUST CAME BACK FROM A WAR LETTERS FROM HOME THEY ALSO SERVE ONLY IN AMERICA TRAVELIN' SOLDIER Record local service men and women to do the feature intro, the wives of deployed service men and husbands of deployed service women. Make sure it's The Wolf Salute to the Troops, paws up for the troops, The Cat, Moose or frequency. On Memorial Day and Veterans Day, you will have a library of songs to rotate and make an impression with your military side of the life group. Dont' forget to play I WANNA BE YOUR DRILL INSTRUCTOR Abagail Mead (R. Lee Ermy from FULL METAL JACKET CADENCE RAP), in USMC markets is huge.

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